Mount Pleasant Engagement Session

Mount Pleasant Engagement Photos

Vik + Pauline

Mount Pleasant, Vancouver

While our hearts will always be drawn to the beauty of nature, city engagement and wedding sessions have become a fast favourite of ours.

There's something uniquely captivating about the urban landscape - its industrial tones, sleek lines, and dynamic atmosphere - that provides an exciting backdrop for capturing love stories. The city offers a playground where we can creatively play with light and space, crafting images that are as vibrant and diverse.



Vik and Pauline live just a couple of blocks away from us, and we often bump into them during our daily routines, especially on the seawall where they take their adorable labradoodle, Luna, for walks. It was a joy to photograph them in a neighbourhood that already holds so many special memories for them… Cont’d after gallery.


Mount Pleasant is a charming mix of the old and the new, with its vibrant street art, cosy cafes, and historic buildings. We began the session in a quaint corner of the neighbourhood, where colourful murals provided a fun backdrop for Vikas and Pauline's easygoing and joyful nature.

As we wandered through the streets, we made our way to some of the industrial areas that define Mount Pleasant’s character. The contrast of raw, textured walls with the couple's polished and stylish attire created a visually striking dynamic. Here, we played with shadows and light, using the city's natural architecture to frame Vikas and Pauline in moments of candid affection and laughter.

Of course, Luna, their lovable labradoodle, was an essential part of the session. Pets add a unique element to photoshoots, bringing spontaneity and genuine moments of joy. Luna’s playful energy was contagious, and she even managed to steal the spotlight in a few shots, her fur glowing in the urban light.

This session reminded us why we truly love urban photography - it's not just about the setting, but about the stories that unfold within it.

If you're considering an engagement or wedding session in the city, think about places that hold personal significance to you. The familiar streets, the favourite hangouts, and the everyday scenes can become extraordinary when framed through the lens of love. City sessions, like Vikas and Pauline's, beautifully showcase how urban settings can be just as magical as any natural landscape.

For us, every shoot is an opportunity to explore and create, and we can't wait to capture more urban love stories in the vibrant streets of Vancouver.


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